My Book 'Slim Brother: How I lost 10-stone in a Year & How you can do the same!' & my autobiography are coming soon...
From the start of 2022 I started to publish "Sunday Stories" on my Facebook page These stories will be the chapters in my coming autobiography and book. You can catch up on the posts now via the following links... (and please feel free to leave me your feedback on the posts to help me edit the chapters!)
(chronological order, not as they were posted on Facebook)
> Suing Fitness First Health Club & Winning Exercise Manager of the Year
Gay Saunas - coming soon!
Death by Chocolate - coming soon!
The List - coming soon!
My Indian Lover (sexual impurity) - coming soon!
Egyptian Husbands - coming soon!
For the latest news of my book, please subscribe to my free newsletter at the very top of this page.